
The long man reader
The long man reader

the long man reader
the long man reader

Beth Johnson, Bombs Bursting in Air 61.ģ Barbara Ehrenreich, What I've Learned From Men 64. Alleen Pace Nilsen, Sexism and Language 57. Judith Ortiz Cofer, A Partial Remembrance of a Puerto Rican Childhood 30. Comodromos Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey LONGMAN New York San Francisco Boston London Toronto Sydney Singapore Madrid Mexico City Munich Paris Cape Town Hong Kong Montreal CONTENTS.

the long man reader

Judith Nadell John Langan Atlantic Community College Eliza A.

the long man reader


It's only shortcoming is that there is not enough grammar included to stand alone in my classes unfortunately, the students are just too weak in grammar, and are in need of a complete grammar handbook.1 Instructor's Manual for THE. There are also numerous questions to prompt clear reading of the essays included and responses to them. Each sample student essay includes comments on its major points. This helps students learn that writing includes their own ideas, but that frequently these ideas are prompted by what we read and hear elsewhere.


Following that is a sample student essay written in response to one of the professional essays included at the end of each chapter. What makes this book a gem is the chapter arrangement: a brief description of the pattern, how and when it is best used, its dominant features and the things to look for when revising. There are brief appendixes on finding and citing sources and on ten common grammatical errors. It culminates in a chapter about combining these different patterns in real life writing. Then it's on to nine chapters, each one focusing on a different pattern of development: description, narration, exemplification, division-classification, process analysis, comparison-contrast, cause-effect, definition, and argument-persuasion. From there it moves to what many college rhetoric books begin with: The Writing Process. It begins by describing the reading process, something many of today's students don't understand, yet need to know if they are to thrive in college and beyond. This is a great textbook for teaching college composition. Both beloved and fresh professional essays range widely in subject matter and approach, from the humorous to the informative, from personal meditation to argument, and capture students' interest while clearly illustrating a specific pattern of development. The opening chapter offers specific strategies for active reading, and for each pattern-of-development chapter, The Longman Reader includes a detailed introduction that asks students to consider audience and purpose, concrete revision strategies, a peer review checklist, an annotated student essay with extensive analysis, prewriting and revising activities, and a comprehensive list of possible writing topics. The Longman Reader features highly praised writing pedagogy in a rhetorically-organized reader.

The long man reader